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Transfusion Medicine Laboratory

Transfusion medicine laboratory is responsible for accept request and distribution of blood and all blood products in the hospitals. In this lab, every unit of blood is separated into various components such as packed red cell, fresh frozen plasma, platelets, cryoprecipitate, etc. The activity of this lab that is routinely test for blood processes include ABO blood grouping, Rh typing, antibody screening and identification.

Besides, this lab as well responsible for investigation of transfusion reactions and management of Rh negative neonatal case. Various investigations that are performed include, DAT, IAT, elution, antibody screening, antibody identification & titer, serological characterization of AIHA, Saliva screening test, Cold antibodies etc.

The department has a well-equipped laboratory to provide diagnostic aids in the management of various autoimmune disorders such as auto immune hemolytic anemia, paroxysmal nocturnal hematuria, cryoglobulinemia, red cell serology of SLE etc. Every unit of blood & component is screened for HbsAg, anti-HIV 1&2, anti-HCV and VDRL. The laboratory is fully automated and all four infectious markers can be screened on the day of collection.

To achieve objectives of supply of quality and safe blood, strict adherence to quality control at all phases of donor selection, screening & processing of blood & serological procedures for grouping and typing of blood are being followed routinely. All reagents, antisera, blood components and equipment are subjected to strict quality checks at periodic intervals according to the standards.


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